Wednesday 8 October 2008

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Well, first of all i have to say something to Mr.Wise...

Joanne Ong did not do anything for the past few days although she wasn't blogging... she was just procrastinating and sleeping apart from going lectures!!!! sigh... I think I have to blame the weather... these few days have been miserable!! it has been raining, cold and gloomy... makes you feel like staying in and sleep under your warm duvet... but then again, it my own fault...


Well, weekend was hectic! we had social night, sunday school and we led worship last Sun! so, it was kinda tiring and drained out all my energy... However, all the hard work was worth it.. we had lots of newcomers and friends who came for social night! i think everyone enjoyed it... so sorry that i didn't post any pictures cuz was busy organizing the games and entertain ppl...

I think this semester, Thursday would be the busiest day of my week.. this week, i have 5 HOURS of class!!!! that's terrible!! and i have student fellowhip on that day as well! PHEW! All i can say is... JOANNE ONG, YOU STILL HAVE TO DO IT! NO COMPLAINTS! is hard to not grumble and complaint though...

Okie dokie.. going to bed soon..

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